Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tiphereth: Vision of the Harmony of Things


On the 26th day of this current lunar cycle, Sungod shall materialize as two distinct intertwinings of soul and flesh, of consciousness and matter, of mind and body, to act as a sonic-conduit for a specific instant of the Universe's creative urge. The magickal operation initiating the exposition of sound shall proceed without the use of physical and percussive acoustics; instead, the two receivers of the transmission shall rebroadcast using vibrational, magnetic, and oscillatory means of electromagnetic wave generation. Analog synthesis, six string flux devices, time distortion, and vacuum tube circuitry only, to supply directed manipulation of local air pressure for the duration of a 15° rotation of our communal gravity-vessel. The location of this spacetime event allows the conveyance and consumption of externally sourced Bacchic fluids to assist telepathic connections. Expect percolating Teuto-electronics, black hole drones, acid-fried guitar explorations, and beauteous drifts into comforting envelopes of light and sound.


We have completed the artwork for Sungod's Cuts from the Ether, the first live document of our 4-piece sound collective. More coming on that as soon as the tapes go to press, but for now, a taste of the layout featuring Justin Grove's hypnotic line work. I am convinced the path to enlightenment lies somewhere in contemplation of the astral webwork of rays and curves.


Recording, as ever, proceeds slowly...but at the edge of our collective vision there are flutters of shapes, shadows dancing, hints of form...spectral apparitions, as it were, of the full realization of whatever these months of toil, joy, and frustration have been moving towards. Soon, I hope, we can unveil the initial fruits of this endeavor, for a very exciting opportunity has emerged from the void. Primitive superstitions allow me to divulge no more details than that, but soon my brothers and sisters, soon.


Admire thou the High Way of Water! Is not Water the soul of the life of things, whereby they change? Yet it seeketh its level, and abideth content in obscurity. So also it resembleth the Tao, in this Way thereof!
The virtue of a house is to be well-placed; of mind, to be at ease in silence as of Space; of societies, to be well-disposed; of governments, to maintain quietude; of work, to be skilfully performed; and of all motion, to be made at the right time.
Also it is the virtue of a man to abide in his place without discontent; thus he offendeth no man.

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